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Current JoyPoll results for 915 entries:

What other ways could you try, to convince your SO that you'll need the new iPhone when it comes out?
Beg, on your knees, with chocolates and flowers in hand, ... that's how I get out of doing the dishes. 30 3%
Use reverse psychology, ... that definitely won't work, ever. So don't even try. Don't! 45 4%
Suck it up, and buy her one too, ... and hope the dual unboxing shot will get double the traffic. 219 23%
Do like I always do... try to hide the purchase from her/him, ... just distract them with an iPhone app. 58 6%
This doesn't apply to me, unless of course the new iPhone is AMAZING, ... you haven't been finishing all your Kool Aid, have you? 204 22%
Are you kidding? My SO is already in line to buy one!, ... in some ways you are lucky, in others, my sympathies. ;-P 169 18%
We have a simple arrangement. She gets what she wants, I get what I want. 189 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I wish!
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